They say you can always come home (unless you are homeless, in which case you are always home), and yesterday marked the triumphant return of two former TargetRx mainstays- the infamous softball team, and the man, the myth, the legend, Ken Buonocore. After a 3 year hiatus from league play due to the disbanding of the former incarnation of the TRx softball team caused by mismanagement of team funds by Greg from Finance (which may have paid for his wedding to former scorekeeper Dana), a new triumvirate came forth to resurrect this former beast from the dead. In a lucid alcohol-induced dream, Old Demps had a vision of the Mike Berardi doing the Mad Elf dance and singing “If you build it, they will come” while prancing through the outfield, much as he did during TRx’s last official softball game. After waking up with cold sweats and screaming, Dempsey knew something had to be done to eliminate the memories of such a nefarious character, who was probably talking about the children’s playground near the field in the dream. He quickly assembled the brain trust of Brian “Tick Tock” Dividock and Krysta “The Shiv” Shivick to go about assembling a new softball squad to rise like the Phoenix from the ashes (and keep the funds away from Greg, who never got free jersey’s for previous teams due to his money laundering). This team would be represent the Olympic motto- Citius, Altius, Fortius… or at least be a bunch of people who enjoy the occasional happy hour before and/or after a softball game.