Wednesday, December 29, 2010

College Bowls

Young Johnson's lock of the year-

Baylor -1 over Illinois

Bet it early, bet it often, and if they lose, blame Young Johnson...

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

GLG's New House

My buddy GLG just recently bought a house.  My other buddy Blin occassionally likes to break into peoples domeciles...  I hope one day while I'm at GLG's house, Blin tries to break in when GLG least expects it, just so GLG can prepare for a rumble and scream out "WE MUST PROTECT THIS HOUSE"

That would be good times...

Love, Brick

Sunday, December 19, 2010


I'm a fan of Survivor (the CBS TV show), but a lot of things piss me off about it...  Including: 

Monday, December 13, 2010

Desean Jackson = Asshole

Desean Jackson- I hope you get injured next week for your bullshit performance at the end of your 91 yard touchdown last night.  I wish one of the Cowgirls tackled you in the end zone and broke your fucking leg, you ignorant fuck.  Go fuck yourself...

Monday Night Footballs - Down With Brett

Given my hatred for the hooplehead Brett Favre, it is a dream of mine that Minnesota would start Tavaris Jackson tonight, but only play him for one play.  Then bring it Dickface McGee, Big Baby Brett after that one play.  Make him lose his "Ironman" streak (which has probably hurt his teams more than helped it), and then watch him throw 3 more interceptions, reinjure himself, and lose the game for the Vikings.  Fuck Brett Favre...