My thoughts on a few of the current issues going on in the NFL regarding the biggest asshole on the universe, Brett Favre, the biggest shithead in the universe, James Harrison, and my new favorite NFL owner, Bob McNair...
1. Fuck Brett Favre- the biggest most selfish PIECE OF SHIT in the NFL (which is saying something, as there are many pieces of shit in the NFL). I don't know what I hope happens more- Favre further fucks up his ankle and is permantly injured (though that will probably be the case anyway, given his self-imposed Superman status where he is willing to play with injuries that would and should sideline most players), or that he plays the rest of the season, and continues to shit all over his legacy (which was never much of a legacy to me anyway) by throwing another 15 interceptions, and shitting all over Minnesota's fans. Green Bay made a great decision letting Dickface McGee go. I only wish Green Bay would have gone to the Super Bowl and won while Favre was on the Jets or the Vikings... And that's all without mention of his previously admitted drug abuse as well as his also-admitted talents for sexually harassing other employees of the team he plays for, while married no less... What a fucking useless scumbag...
2. Fuck James Harrison- oh, you're so much of a tough guy that you don't know if you can adapt to the CURRENT RULES OF THE NFL! All they said was that they were going to start fining and potentially suspending people for illegal hits. James Harrison, you know what? THERE IS ALREADY A PENALTY OUT THERE FOR UNNECESSARY ROUGHNESS!!! Under that previously established rules, nearly half of Harrison's hits could have been called penalties already, but all of the sudden now he doesn't know if he can play the game under the current rules... All because he got fined 75K when he has a 6 year, $51.75 million contract, with a $10 million signing bonus. Hey, James, I realize you are probably a complete fucking moron who can't do math, but if you'd like to concede the rest of your contract right now, I'll gladly hire you to be MY OWN PERSONAL FUCKING IDIOT, and just make you do or say stupid shit all day long (though you've already proven you can say stupid shit all day long on your own). YOU WERE ALREADY NOT PLAYING THE GAME UNDER THE CURRENT RULES by your own admission. Plus, you admit that you want to HURT other players, but not INJURE them. James, I hope you get that chance to hurt other players enough, and lead with your head enough, that you become one of those INJURED players without even knowing it. Granted, that's assuming anyone would be able to tell the difference if you actually injured your own brain, you FUCKING IDIOT. Given how little work you brain has ever gotten, there would be no loss there anyway...
3. My new favorite owner across all sports is Bob McNair- owner of the Houston Texans who ordered his team's staff to go through the locker room to ensure there were no banned substances present. That seems to me like an owner finally looking after his investment (granted, mostly because of the shit his players had gotten into previously). Given that PED's are most prevelant in the NFL with no moral outrage like seen in baseball, it's about time an owner took his own team to task... If only the Steelers had done the same with James Harrison, perhaps he wouldn't have been such a complete shithead and wouldn't have been number 2 on this list, especially since he has been one of the most suspected players in the league of using steriods...
i hope james harrison blows his knee out in the super bowl and he never plays again