Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Killing The Killing

Terrible finale...  which allows a guest rant from Blin:

Everything (or at least some things) awful about The Killing:

  • They waited 12 days to check the internet browsing history of the victim? Where'd they go to detective school - Disney World?
  • For two weeks they didn't look into where the vehicle the body was found in was? Really?  (queue Seth Meyers SNL skit)
  • That idiot of a teacher is being investigated and instead of getting a laywer he decides to lie about where he was that night AND proceeds to continue to go to work and stuff? NOBODY ACTS LIKE THAT
  • His stupid cunt of a wife doesn't recognize the man that beat the living shit out of her husband despite the fact that he's the father of the daughter he allegedly killed?
  • "He came to bed wet - like he'd been in water" yeah that's a real smoking gun there because in Seattle there's no other way to get wet since it doesn't rain ALL THE FUCKING TIME or anything!
  • Rosie Larsen lost a sneaker running away. Because that's the kind of clothing you wear when you're on the job hooking. Tennis shoes...
  • Larsen goes to Richmond's house, alone, at night- a dude who is twice the size of her, and who she is convinced is a killer- and gets all righteous up in his face?  He should have just killed her...
  • Million dollar campaign contributions are decided over a basketball shot all the time.  Give me a breaksville... 
  • Her mom is an annoying cunt as well...
What a joke of a show. Hey 13 hours of my life...ATHEEYA

Other similar commentary:

Is Linden the worst police officer on Earth?

Even Simmons wasn't happy...

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