As the game started, Target R quickly jumped out to a seemingly insurmountable 2-0 lead. However, the team was clearly in disarray. Unable to recapture the magic of Frank's Formation And Rotation Transition (F.A.R.T., patent pending) from the previous week, Target R left lots of open space, as once again KB refused to move more than one foot in either direction. He is really taking to heart Kate's previous explanation about keeping on foot touching the ground at all times.
Despite their best efforts, the seemingly insurmountable lead was quickly surmounted, as TRx lost a nailbiter of a first set 15-13. Surprisingly, the combination of Mike's length and KB's girth was unable to penetrate the impregnable defense of Orbit. If only Kevin had been there to call made up violations on the other team, the outcome could have been much different, as I'm sure there were multiple instances of "illegal use of the left hand with the right knee bent at an angle of under 90 degrees with one eye partially closed" that could have been called (statute 69 of Kevin's Rules for Life, Love, and Volleyball, though his online list hasn't been updated yet).
In the second set, Target R tried to change their luck by resorting to drastic (some would say Extraordinary) Measures. Mike began trying to ring his own last name in the middle of each Orbit serve to distract them. Frank pulled out the old Frank-Footer (it sounds worse than it is), and began trying to kick the ball over the net. Aaron purposely injured his good ankle, hoping Orbit would ease off. KB even yelled out a "Come on, Joey," trying to channel the mojo of Mean Joe. However, it was all for naught, as Orbit only upped the pressure, continuously spiking the ball directly at Gabriela, who someone managed to survive the attack without a concussion. The last time that many balls were flying at someones face GLG was experimenting while drunk back in college, and he already worked around the clock...
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