So yesterday was Veteran’s Day, meaning many national (or for those
reading from abroad, more specifically, American) restaurants offered free meals
for military veterans. I’m a big fan of showing this sort of
appreciation for the men and women who serve our country so diligently,
given how selfish and cowardly most of the country is (myself included)
when it comes to military service. They are the true heroes that allow
idiots like us to post on blogs like these…
However, I wonder if any veterinarians have ever attempted to take
advantage of one of these restaurants running a “Vets eat free” campaign
for a free meal? Especially in those restaurants who lack the
foresight to have any necessary legal stipulations regarding who exactly
is eligible as protection from such people. If a restaurant is
stupid enough to just have up a sign with no disclaimers, I would
definitely go there and claim I was a "vet."”
It seems like a sociological experiment is warranted- perhaps next
year we’ll sent out a bunch of military veterans (dressed like
veterinarians), a bunch of veterinarians (dressed in military fatigues),
and a bunch of military veteran veterinarians (dressed however the f
they want), and see who gets served (not in the terrible dance movie
from 2004 sense), who gets denied, and who gets permanently banned from
any of these so-called patriotic restaurants…
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