I guess it might say something about myself, since I watch the show, but the people who are contestants on Big Brother are "both literally and figuratively" the "stupidest" people ever... Let us count the ways...
Rachel- hmmm, let me call out everyone in the house, but then be SHOCKED when they claim they might come after me. Then let me laugh like a fucking idiot some more. Let me also do everything possible to piss off the one person in the house who somehow likes me (Brendan) by completely ingnoring his professions of love. More laughing like a fucking idiot... In a nutshell, let me pretend to be smart, but actually play the stupidest game ever, and then laugh some more. But then, let me be even stupider by not realizing that everyone is making fun of me whey they have fake red hair on in my HOH room, and laugh along with them at myself...
Matt- let me call myself the evil genius despite not doing one smart thing in the house. Instead of nominating the two people that I want out, let me try to backdoor one of them, since if that doesn't work, a meaningless pawn who could have been an ally gets booted. And then let me try to form an alliance with the very people I was trying to backdoor, despite the fact that they know they can't trust me
Hayden- let me yell really loud every time I'm in the diary room. Let me then pretend to not be in a relationship after getting called out by Captain Kosher. And let me continue to pretend that we're not in a relationship afterwards, despite the fact that everyone suspects us and we're both on the block. Let me also tell her to keep fighting, because I really don't want to win the prize money- I'd rather be out of the house and go bang any other chick who is as much of a fame-whore as myself.
Enzo- let me pretend I think I'm running this house, when in reality I'm not smart enough to run down the block. But I'm the "meow meow" which means I'm a big pussy, and I know it. Go Jursee!!!
Kathy- hey, I'm the dumbest police officer alive. I thought this badge that I got in a Cracker Jax box made me sheriff. All criminals, please move to my town, because I'm such a fucking idiot that I'll never catch you, even if you steal my own cop car while I'm in it!
Lane- let me just talk about how southern I am, and look like an idiot, which in actuality might be the smartest move, as no one expects a thing out of me. Even myself... What's a brigade?
Ragan- I'm just going to be the nice friendly gay guy that no one will think is a threat until it's too late. And if anyone ever votes for me, I'll be SHOCKED and probably offended, because I'm so gay...
Brendan- let me fall in love with the most annoying person in the house, pissing off everyone else, but at least be smart enough to know that I'm pissing them off. Let me then try to tell that annoying person what she is doing wrong, but let her get pissed at me any time I question her idiotic gameplay. But I'm still desperate enough to tell her I love her, as she is the one person I can convince that I'm not as gay as Regan...
Britney- I'm just happy that I'm still here after the first two weeks. Let me be the darkhorse who no one suspects, so I can slip by for a few more weeks before making moves, despite the fact that I talk shit about everyone, and even got to make fun of Rachel to her face...
Kristen- let me get Hayden on my side, but also be a complete idiot when it comes to gameplay, and throw anything Rachel or anyone else does back in their face. Granted, I was right when I said I never said I would put Rachel or Brendan up, but they are too stupid to realize that. I wish I didn't have to wear this stupid Uni-tard, as I'd at least be able to try to use my body to get farther... also, everyone look at my camel-toe in this uni-tard
WTF is up with people claiming they hate floaters... have they never watched this show before? It's nearly impossible to get to the end with an alliance of 2 that you start at the beginning of the game... especially if it's a showmance. Floaters are the ones you want to befriend. In a game like this where everyone votes (except HOH and people on the block), floaters are your friends, because if you think the rest of the house is going to vote with an alliance of two to get floaters out, you are an idiot. They will do that until they realize the "floater" alliance is better off getting rid of the alliance of two...
Everyone lies, they should just all admit that they are lying, and blame it on everyone else also lying. "Of course I was lying to you- you were lying to me, and everyone lies to everyone!!! It's a freakin game about lying to each other!" In reality, everyone is there to play their own game. Alliances don't mean shit, and anyone who thinks they do deserves to be blindsides by their own...
Also, The Other Guys MUST be the best movie EVER... because they paid a lot of money to force all of us to say that... but the best promotion for "the other guy" is Kristen's boyfriend (of 2 months) who we all got to witness. Who the fuck does this guy think he is? Dickface McGee really thought that a whole two months of shenanigans was going to trump being in a house 24/7 with multiple guys for up to 90-something days? He better be banging at least 3 of her friends... although what a sexist asshole- "I hope she brings a mop and bucket back home with her..."
And lastly, it's about time that they made challenges so that the first one off has the worst of it. Usually in shows like Survivor, the best strategy for immunity competitions is to just take yourself down right away if you know you don't have a chance at winning. That way you at least get to rest while everyone else is utilizing energy. For once, BB has made it the opposite way, so the first one down is the one have-not for the week. It's about time... Otherwise, I'd say Kathy has no fucking chance of winning this competition- but now that she is playing to avoid being the one have-not, it might at least be interesting. At least until the first person falls, at which point my premise above should come into play again...
Also, Julie you idiot, the latest HOH is always the most powerful at that point in the season...
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