Monday, August 16, 2010

Mad Men S4E4 Best Quotes ("The Rejected") (Season 4, Episode 4)

Allison's got quite the arm on her...  And Pete is making moves.  Meanwhile, Peggy experiments with drugs, and maybe lesbianism later...  Quotes below the fold...

Multiple Characters:
  • Don:  Why is this empty?
    Allison:  Because you drank it all.
  • Pete:  That's the Lucky Strike call?  Why wasn't I told?
    Roger:  Be happy.  I saved you an ass-ache.
  • Pete:  Pimple cream and cold cream?  That's a rather broad definition
    Roger:  Does it matter?
  • Roger:  Throw yourself on the grenade.  Protect the agency, you're a partner now.
    Lane:  This evening, if you can.
  • Don:  Oh my God, there's some kind of fire. 
    Roger:  Right down by radio city.
    Don:  Roger, we should go...  Sorry Lee.
  • Allison:  Should I type this up?
    Roger:  Yes.  And remind me to remind Caroline to tell Lane that Lucky Strike noticed that they were being billed for all the work we do for everybody else at this agency.  You know what, I don't want that on paper. 
  • Pete:  I hate this office.
    Harry:  You wanted to be close to Roger.
    Pete:  Make yourself at home, why don't you.
  • Pete:  This is about the Playtex ad they keep complaining about.  I've been told the printer swapped paper stocks and I don't care that she looks like a Puerto Rican.  Puerto Rican girls buy brassieres.
    Harry:  Not that they need to...
  • Peggy:  I have to admit.  I'd be shocked.
    Joyce:  He's my friend and my boss hates nudes.  Who hates nudes?
  • Pete:  It's been very hard to seperate our business relationship from the rest of our life, but they should be seperate.
    Tom:  You are some kind of high wasp, all right.
  • Tom:  Jeannie went with Trudy to the doctor.  Congratulations.
    Pete:  What?
    Tom:  Oh, shit...
    Pete:  Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.
  • Pete:  I feel like my heart's going to burst.
    Tom:  Champagne, right here.  Bring a bottle.  We're gonna tie one on.  If it's a boy, $1000 dollars, a girl $500.
    Pete:  I'll do what I can do.
  • Pete:  How did this happen?  What did the doctor say?
    Trudy:  He said I was going to have a baby.
    Pete:  I want to pick you up and spin you around, but I don't want to damage anything in there.
  • Joan:  Let's go.  Caroline will watch your desk.
    Allison:  Why don't you have to do this?
    Joan:  You don't have to do this, you're getting paid.
    Caroline:  We're old and married.  They don't want us.  But I use Pond's...  I do.
  • Faye:  I had to wait til the girls left the ladies room to change.
    Freddie:  You could have used my office, but I don't have one.
  • Faye:  This isn't right.
    Peggy:  I thought you wanted Faye, not Doctor Miller.
    Faye:  Yes, but I told someone to leave the e off Faye.  I like people to correct it in front of the girls.  It makes them trust me.
    Don:  Because your name is spelled wrong?
    Faye:  Because I'm obviously not that important.
  • Joan:  I have to warn you, there's a lot of perfume.
    Faye:  There always is.
  • Faye:  I don't have a nametag.  I guess they forgot about me.
    Dottie:  Well they got mine wrong.  I'm dottie.  I mean, I'm not a dottie person, that's my name.
  • Freddie:  Can you imagine, your financial future is in the hands of a room full of 22 year old girls.
    Don:  Not mine...
  • Pete:  I'm sorry, it didn't happen.  The opportunity passed.
    Lane:  Well then we should endevour to recreate it.  Perhaps lunch today?  I'm afraid Roger has already informed Pond's that this was attended to. 
    Pete:  That's sloppy.
  • Pete:  Lane, I just found out I'm going to be a father.
    Lane:  Well now, that should take the sting out of all of this.
  • Pete:  I didn't say that, he did!
    Ken:  Well, he's like that and everybody who knows him knows that, but when you say it and it gets back to my fiance...
  • Don:  Can I come in?
    Allison:  It's your office.
  • Allison:  I'm very embarassed.
    Don:  People cry in those groups all the time, Allison.
    Allison:  That's not what I'm embarassed about.
  • Joan:  What's going on?
    Don:  I'm going to need a new secratary.
    Joan:  Would you be open to Allison returning in a couple of days?
    Don:  If that's what she wants.
    Joan:  Really?
    Don:  No.
  • Joyce:  Are you afraid of the subway?
    Peggy:  Of course not.
  • Secratary:  She's kind of pretentious.
    Peggy:  I know.
  • Joyce:  Listen, I'm already high, but this is easier than finding a beer, if you like it.
    Peggy:  I love it.
  • Peggy:  I have a boyfriend.
    Joyce:  He doesn't own your vagina.
    Peggy:  No, but he's renting it.
  • Peggy:  I'm Catholic.
    David:  So you like it?
    Peggy:  I don't think I'm supposed to.  I love your nudes.
  • Faye:  Well, you're the client.
    Don:  That's right.


  • Don:  Low angles, wide lenses, anything that makes to smoker appear super-human.
  • Don:  He can't hear you.
  • Don:  Any of you ladies bring any ice with you?
  • Don:  It would probably be better if you type up whatever you want and I'll sign it.
  • Don:  Hello 1925.  I'm not gonna do that.  So, whast are we going to tell the client?
  • Don:  You can't tell how people are going to behave based on how they have behaved.
  • Don:  Not only does it have nothing to do with what I do, it's nobody's business.


  • Harry:  There's a group of us.  We're all coming up together.  You don't think Kenny's a cummer?  You know he has Mountain Dew.  It's Pepsi!
  • Harry:  Worst case, Kenny will brag too much and you can steal a client from him.
  • Harry:  That's big news.  If you need any baby crap, Jen and I have a ton of it.

  • Peggy:  Indulgence.  Pond's is the only cold cream that allows me to stare at myself in the mirror for 20 minutes and feel good, and not vain.
  • Peggy:  No matter how late I come, I'm always waiting for someone.
  • Peggy:  I feel kind of responsible.  Do you mind?
  • Peggy:  I don't know what you think.  You're problem is not my problem.  And honestly, you should get over it.
  • Peggy:  This film is more interesting than I thought.  Rhythmic...
  • Peggy:  They're not really pornography, perse.  They're just nudes. 

  • Pete:  Roger, I don't expect him to understand this, but do you have any idea of what I've had to do to keep that account- the personal toll I've had to pay?
  • Pete:  Ken's the competition.  Why are you going to the opera with him?
  • Pete:  Why are you always looking for a job?
  • Pete:  It is nice, especially not having to listen to some client yammering about how dirty the city is.
  • Pete:  Wherever you're doing this job, you're doing this job.
  • Pete:  Every time you jump to conclusions, you make me respect you less.
  • Pete:  I'm done auditioning.
  • Pete:  I want all of it.
  • Pete:  I guess as the president would say, I turned chicken shit into chicken salad.


  • Roger:  Bowling, for example, seems a natural fit.  Bowling is a sport?  How about horse racing?  Lee, Lee, the jockey smokes the cigarette.
  • Roger:  See, I would never buy a sailboat.  I don't want to do things myself.  For that price, a boat should have a motor.  One of those too...
  • Roger:  I don't know, why don't you ask Don about that?  I have to go to the little boys room.
  • Roger:  Over half of this agency is dedicated to your needs, but if you want to get the line-by-line of the costs we've billed for, I'll have Lane Pryce at the foot of your bed in 20 minutes.
  • Roger:  What did you do to make them take her out of mothballs?
  • Roger:  You know he works without pants...

  • Freddie:  I'd like a danish.
  • Freddie:  How the hell did this get sad so fast?
  • Freddie:  I could see she was gonna crack.
  • Freddie:  I think my strategy was right.  They just wanna get married, and they'll buy anything that will help.
  • Allison:  It's worse when the notice, sometimes.
  • Allison:  I don't know how you stand it.  The way he turns on the charm one minute and then yanks it away.  How do you talk to him?
  • Allison:  But now I know... he's a drunk, and they get away with murder because they forget everything.
  • Allison:  I don't say this easily, but you are not a good person.

  • Ken:  I gotta get this out of the way, but I'd appreciate for the future if you would not say shitty things about me behind my back.
  • Ken:  You didn't call me an American idiot who fell into everything?
  • Ken:  Are you kidding me?  It's the worst agency I've ever seen.  THE WORST!  My mother was a nurse at the state hospital in Vermont, and that was the last time I saw so many retarded people in one building.
  • Ken:  I'd rather be a slave to creative than some old fart.  Whoever pours the last drink gets all the credit.
  • Ken:  Another Campbell, that's just what the world needs...

  • Tom:  We can eat any time, or not at all.
  • Tom:  May you know this feeling many times.  I only had the one and I love her to death, but I wish we had more.  Jeannie had her uterus removed.  Some kind of a cyst, or something. 
  • Tom:  We're a couple of lucky ducks, aren't we?
  • Tom:  You son of a bitch...
  • Trudy:  A conflict.  Peter, I'm familiar with the term, you use it all the time.
  • Trudy:  Why don't you let my father hear this from me?  He's already so guilty he'd never feel the knife going in. 
  • Faye:  We have to enjoy the fact that we're all getting paid not to work for a little bit.  Don't worry, that's our little secret.
  • Faye:  I'd recommend a strategy that links Pond's cold cream to matrimony.  A veiled promise...
  • Dottie:  I feel like it doesn't matter what I see.  It matters what he sees.  I feel like I give him everything, and I've got nothing.
  • Joyce:  It starts at 9.  I'll be there at 10.
  • Joyce:  I think it wa a sweatshop.
David Kellogg:
  • David:  Why would I ever do that?  Art in advertising?  Why would anybody do that after Warhol?
  • Abe:  Sorry, for somebody to sell their soul, they have to have one.
  • Abe:  You know, I've been arrested before.
  • Abe:  I feel like I should kiss you.
  • Abe:  Are they beating people?  I should see this, it could be a story.
  • Joey:  I would get her so pregnant. 

1 comment:

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