Friday, March 4, 2011

David Wu Ain't Nothin To F#@% Wit

Oregon House Democratic Representative David Wu is back in Washington, D.C. this week, after a barrage of reports of illicit drug use and bizarre behavior.  His problems stemmed from sending strange emails and photos of himself, including the photo below to his staff last Halloween.  Wu also appeared in a second photo dressed in the same costume, lying face down on a bed while a child grabs his neck. 

Staffers also complained of erratic behavior by Wu during his reelection campaign last year, including "loud and angry behavior," saying "kooky things to staffers," and bashing his opponents for being "stingy with tips."  In fact, staffers staged two "interventions" to try to get him admitted to a psychiatric hospital.  In late February, Wu admitted to accepting prescription drugs from a campaign contributor last October, around the time of his erratic behavior.  In fact, 7 of his staff members have since he won reelection.  And all of this is years after he claimed "there are Klingons in the White House" on the House floor.

"Maybe if I'd worn a duck costume instead of a tiger costume, some of this wouldn't be happening" actual Wu quote

I think it's clear what has been going on here...  Either Wu just has an affinity for Princeton, or he must have been hanging out with Charlie Sheen, and was experiencing the high of #TIGERBLOOD, leading to his change in form.  Clearly it helped him in his campaign, leading to #WINNING.  If this is standard operating procedure during campaigning, I may have to reevaluate my career choices.  Popping pills, winning, tigerblood...  it sounds like a great time.  If Blin has a future in politics, this is what he should strive for.  As for Wu, he should just fully embrace a change of personality towards Mr. Wu from Deadwood- nothing will get his Oregon constituency more fired up than talking about "San Francisco cocksucker."

For more Wu shenanigans see this link.  And remember, David Wu Ain't Nothin to Fuck Wit...

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