Monday, February 7, 2011

Green Hornet Meth Lab Explosion & Transformers Preview

Saw The Green Hornet in 3D this past weekend (which probably should have led me to bet on the Packers, but alas...).  My one big issue is with the scene where Seth Rogan and his chinaman sidekick Kato drove their car into a meth lab.  Yet somehow, their driving through a wall did not cause the meth lab to explode.  Despite the fact that meth labs explode all the time for things a lot less severe than a car crashing through a wall...  Come on, writers...  at least make part of the movie realistic...  also, Seth Rogan may now be the most annoying man on the planet.

But in comparison to the premise of Transformers: The Dark of the Moon, The Green Hornet is like a PHD dissertation...  In the trailer, we learn that the Apollo missions were a front to explore a downed spacecraft.  A perfectly legitimate premise...  The astronauts wait until the moon spins out of view of Earth, then go explore this alien spacecraft, and quickly return to the Lunar Module when it spins back into the Earth's view.  This, despite the fact that the moon rotates in such a way that we always see the same side.  The "dark" side of the moon is always facing away from us.  Just make the premise that they went to explore the dark side of the moon (while listening to Pink Floyd), not that they were doing all this nonsense because of the blatantly untrue spinning of the moon...  Idiots...  Gosh...

What the flip...

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