Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Postal Workers Gone Wild

Jeff Cole (aka Manchest) of Fox 29 is now doing his best Chris Hanson impression and embarking on his own hidden camera video sting operations.  His target- U.S. Postal Workers who have been... going to the bar during their shifts... Oh the horror... THE HORROR!!!

Granted, employees of the U.S. government should not be wasting taxpayer money to drink while on the job, but Jeff Cole's righteous indignation over the amount of alcohol they consume is amazing.  He is shocked... SHOCKED to see one of these men drink 7 drinks over the course of 3 hours, and then claims due to the man's size and number of drinks, that he shouldn't be driving.  Jeff Cole thinks 7 drinks is a lot...  I think that's breakfast.  See part 1 of the video below:

Also, apparently Jeff Cole never took health class (or any sort of science class) back in high school and doesn't realize that the body amazingly metabolizes alcohol.  On average, a "normal" sized male metabolizes one drink per hour.  Given the timeline involved here, these postal workers could very well be under the legal limit after their insane drinking shenanigans. 

I'm not saying these postal workers should be given Employee of the Month awards, but Jeff Cole, be serious...  These postal workers are assholes for repeatedly being on the clock, and for scanning mail while at the bar to make it appear that they are working, and for this they should be lambasted, but not for the amount of alcohol they drank.  In fact, I think I'd rather drink with these postal workers than Jeff Cole, who would probably pass out after one drink, and be even more shocked that sometimes excessive consumption of alcohol leads to sexual relations outside of the sanctity of marriage and lose his mind...

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