Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Asshole of the Year - Robert G Burton

Who is this man, and why is he the Asshole of the Year (so far)?  Apparently, Robert G. Burton is the chairman and CEO of Greenwich-based Burton Capital Management, LLC, who has donated over $7 million to the University of Connecticut football program.  Which is fine, he can do what he wants with him money, but now he has the audacity to complain and ask for $3 million back and to have his name taken off the team's on-campus facility because like a little bitch, he isn't happy with athletic director Jeff Hathaway...  Go cry me a fucking river, you worthless piece of shit... 

Given the clear intention of the money as a gift, and the fact that UConn has a signed donor agreement with this asshole, I hope he gets nothing.  Plus, his name has been on the building for over 5 years.  In fact, UConn should sue him for any legal costs from fighting this bullshit situation, and for lost potential revenue, as naming that building after anyone else would probably have at least made the Uconn football team somewhat competitive on the BCS level, instead of just getting an automatic bid for a season almost as shitty as Robert Burton's reputation is now... 

Probable quote from bitchface Burton:
  • "Waaaa...  the school didn't keep me in the loop about the hiring process of the next coach..." 
  • To which Uconn should say "FUCK YOU, HERE IS A LOOP OF ROPE, GO CHOKE YOURSELF."  Who the fuck is he to have any say whatsoever about who Uconn hires as football coach?
An actual line from one of his letters: 
  • "I was not looking for veto power," Burton said in the letter, according to The Day. "Your lack of response on either of these requests tells me that you do not respect my point of view or value my opinion." 
  • To which UConn should have replied "WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?  Besides a self-important asshole who has nothing better to do than donate money to a 2nd rate school's 3rd rate football program.  At least give it to the school for academics, but noooo...  you want to feel like a big-swinging dick.  Well, you certainly are a dick." 
This guy is so far up his own asshole that he actually thinks they will give him the money back?  I hope they burn his money, and change the name of the facility to the Bitchface Burton Bomb Shelter, but instead of using it as an actual bomb shelter, just continuously blow shit up in it, including Robert G Burton...

Full story available at ESPN here.


  1. ask any of the people who work for him at Cenveo and they will agree with you 100% , except maybe his assholes in training songs

  2. oops i meant assholes in training SONS

  3. remember when there was a $10 per week tax cut maybe in early 2009, and everybody who was working could take home an extra $10?

    Burton said the same week: memo to all Cenveo employees "your health care costs are higher than expected so we're going to take $10 a week out of your pay to cover the costs"

    July 2009 he said "across the board 10% salary cut for all Cenveo salaried people" - gone, never to return, so those of us remaining are earning 90% but working longer hours because he cuts the staff every quarter.

    Check the stock price which has gone from $25 to $5 in a few years, while he prides himself on being an excellent business manager. All he does is squeeze money out of companies he purchases and moves money around. People reading his letter can imagine how he presides of the board of directors. Do you think anybody would dare offer a differing opinion on how to run a busines?

    thanks to the letter we know why - football players need a sound system and papa needs a luxury box

  4. ESPN,S.I and all the other sports venues did not delve far enough into this man's history. His reputation, well deserved, is that of piss-poor CEO who "pads" the CENVEO quarterly reports with nonsensical creative bookeeping. He and his hand-picked pet underlings (including his sons) enjoy frequent gifts of enormous amounts of company stock AT NO COST. This has been going on for years !!.He needs to be investigated by the SEC. The recent reporting concerning his small-mindedness and petulance has only scratched the surface. Will someone with investigative journalistic connections PLEASE follow this up?

  5. I agree with the above assessment 100%. What a self-important, petty asshole schmuck. He emphasizes over and over in his stupid-ass letter that the AD's alleged failure to consult him regarding the hiring decision brought "shame" and "embarrassment" to Burton and his family? Really? Who in hell outside of the UConn athletic department ever would have known or even cared one iota whether some booster was consulted regarding the hiring decision? The only one who brought shame and embarrassment to the Burton family is Burton himself. What an asshat. Two weeks ago, no one had ever heard of this guy, and now everyone in the world thinks he's a flaming douche bag. I hope his company stock bottoms out and his business goes belly up over this. The guy tried to "stick it" to UConn and the whole thing blows up in his face. It seems the UConn AD (Jeff Hathaway) had the last laugh here. Burton berates him for being incompetent, and yet Hathaway manages to make this Burton knuckle head his bitch overnight. Everyone in the world hates this Burton character right now, and Hathaway walks away smelling like a rose. Who's the incompetent fool in this story? I'll give you a hint, his initials are Robert Burton.

    P.S. - The sad thing here, too, is the student athletes are the ones who suffer. This hot-headed idiot thinks he's punishing Hathaway, but ends up hurting innocent kids. What a supremely arrogant, petty, self-absorbed dick head.

  6. He's a dickhead and should be dead...

  7. UPDATE 11/15/2013
    Susan Herbst president of UConn now sits on the board of Cenveo
    Jeffery Hathaway retired in 2011
    Paul Pasqualoni Head coach was fired 9/30/2013

  8. Susan Herbst is a worthless piece of shit, total suck up to Burton.

  9. I had the luxury of meeting this moron....he is about worthless. Love how people think that because they have money they are better than the other 99%...well news for him he is far from it...more like an embarrassment

  10. Looks like your days are numbered Burton... you can only raid the piggy bank for so long before it catches up with you.....I def don't wanna be in your sorry shoes lol
